Both Metis N4 Construction Inc. and Interlake Powerline Contractors Ltd joint venture and enter into negotiations and, in addition ,as appropriate and agreed as between them, submit a bid or bids with Manitoba Hydro in relation to Bipole III transmission line work in the area described or identified by Manitoba Hydro as “N4” or any other transmission line work, within Metis traditional lands, including the area in western Manitoba known as the Metis Breadbasket.

Interlake Power Line Contractors is a leading force in the power line construction industry in Manitoba.  Interlake Power Line Contractors is a Manitoba based contractor with two business offices in Manitoba.  Their head office is located in Lundar, Manitoba and they also have a northern office location in Snow Lake. The majority of the projects IPL undertakes are Manitoba Hydro initiatives and the bulk of the work is in Northern Manitoba.